Prominy 之前就推出过一些很受好评的采样吉他音色,而且设计上非常适合MIDI键盘控制及演奏。最近他们又推出了最新的吉他音色:V-Metal ,从名字上就知道是个金属吉他音色了为了得到纯正的金属之声,V-Metal 使用了有EMG humbucker 拾音器的 ESP Alexi Blacky 吉他,录制了两万六千多个采样,总容量超过19GB(原始采样数据)
V-METAL enables you to compose and create very realistic Metal guitar tracks that imitate real guitar playing! |
Main Features:
- Incredible real-time playability . V-METAL SPM (Super Performance Multi)
- Fretboard Monitor
- Auto Stroke Detection
- Cricket
- Feedback
- Realtime Legato Slide / Hammer-on / Pull-off / Trill / Tremolo
- Real sampled chords
- Double-tracking
- Assignable Key Switch
- The lower note samples (low C - low D#) are included.
- Direct signal from the guitar*
Data size: 10.4 GB ( = 19 GB* of ,wav files)
* Amp simulator is not included in the product.
* V-METAL uses the Lossless Sample Compression format 'NCW' with real-time encoding. The data size after the installtion is approx. 10.4 GB that equals 19 GB of .wav files.